Different body shapes, sizes and heights seriously count in making  the choice of dresses to wear. We re all familiar with the heart breaking reality of what I ordered versus what I got.

In meeting up with our fashion aspirations, there are very vital considerations to be make. Selecting the fabric and getting  the perfect tailor to realise your imagined style is only the beginning of your work of fashion. 

        What else must you do to perfect your fashion dream?
1.   Identify the similarities you share with the model in Pinterest or Ovation magazine that inspires your style of choice?

 2.  There are three 3 basic areas or curves that must be considered before picking a style for your dress

  1. Bust (Breast)
  2. Waist
  3. HipS
Sizes of bust differs for different girls. It ranges from  SMALL, MEDIUM to LARGE and EXTRA LARGE. Some big overflow, while some small are flat.

Although every girl seems to be crazy about tiny waist today, it is undoubtedly a fact that there are still medium, big and obsessed waists around. Nonetheless, fat waists does not translate to shapelessness. Every waist has a shape.

There are two sides to a coin, but three sizes of hips: broad, medium and flat.

        In our next edition, we shall consider how all the above affect fashion  and style.     


  1. Very explicit and rich information you got here on your blog💯 Keep up the good works ✔️⚡️


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